In this blog we will look at the different ways to use the word 'just'.
With verbs
I just caught the bus.
Meaning 1 - you did the action recently

This means that the action in the past (caught) happened very close to 'now'.
I just finished dinner.
She just watched the film.
He just went out.
Meaning 2 - apologising for your action
Often people use 'just' to apologise for an action they, or someone else, do.
on the telephone
A: Hey. How are you?
B: I'm well thanks. I can't talk now. I just caught the bus.
A: Oh, okay. Ring me soon.
at the door - parent and child
A: Is Steven in?
B: He is but he is just having dinner.
A: Can you tell him we're playing in the field?
B: Of course.
in the office
A: Are you coming to the pub?
B: I'm just in the middle of something. Will you be there in an hour?
A: Yeah, should be.
*in the middle of something = doing something
With nouns
I just had a slice of pizza.
Meaning 1 - the quantity of the noun was small
at a restaurant
A: The pizza was £10 so you owe me £5.
B: No I don't. I just had a slice.
A: Did you?
B: Yes.
A: Okay. Give me £1 then.
at home
A: Where have all the chocolates gone?
B: I don't know. I just had three or four.
A: Maybe it was C?
C: It wasn't me!
on the phone
A: Are you going to David's party tonight?
B: Yeah, I'll go for a bit.
A: Just an hour or so?
B: Yeah, about that.
Meaning 2 - over or under an amount by small amount

It is just over 10°C.
It is just under 60°F.
I'm paid just over £15 per hour.
She's given me just under £250 for the television.
John has got just over 150 books.
The essay has a word limit of 3000 but I've written just over that.