Present Perfect
Who is Charlene Ramsey?
Charlene. Ramsey has been travelling for 30 years. She began travelling in her twenties are quit her office job. Charlene said that she loved travelling when she went on her first trip alone. Now, 30 years on, she has been around the world and seen things many only dream of. Charlene has watched the sun rise over Niagara Falls, the sun set in Africa and seen everything in between. She said her favourite experiences were eating exotic food. Charlene has eaten spiders in Malaysia and frogs in France. To help with her travels, Charlene has learnt lots of languages, but she never remembers them after she's left the country.
When did Charlene start travelling?
Answer 1
Where has Charlene seen the sun set?
Answer 1
What experience did Charlene have in Malaysia?
Answer 1
How long has Charlene been travelling?
Answer 1
What does Charlene do to help her travelling?
Answer 1