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Learn how to use and create subjects for your first sentences.

The table is small.

I like cats.


What is a noun? Find out what they are, how to use them and use plurals.

There are three phones.

There is a book.

Verb 'be' - grammar

Learn how to use the verb 'be' to create positive and negative sentences, and questions.

We are doctors.

She is a teacher.

Verb 'be' - use

Learn how to use the verb 'be' to talk about your job, your age and where you are from.

We are from America.

I am 36-years-old.

Adjectives - Lesson 1

Work with adjectives to change nouns. You will learn to describe yourself and objects.

The book is thick.

I am tall.

'A' or 'The'

You will learn the basics of whether a noun is 'a' or 'the'. You will also learn the phase 'Can I have a / the noun?'

Can I have a notebook please?

Can I have the red pencil please?

This / That

Learn the difference between 'this' and 'that' and 'these' and 'those'.

That bus is blue.

Those planes are green.


You will learn how to say someone owns or possesses a noun.

Japan's cities are big.

This is Tom's kettle.

Adjectives - Lesson 2

We will use adjectives to describe 'feelings' and 'thoughts'.

The film was terrible.

She is happy.

Noun phrase

This is a heavy grammar lesson. We will learn what a noun phrase is to make future lessons easier.

I'm having a glass of wine.

Those presents are blue.

Verb - 'have / has'

'Have / has' is a very important verb which we will study now. We will also use commas (,) and 'and' in list.

I have a laptop.

Do you have a pen?

Adjectives - Lesson 3

The focus will on adding 'adjectives' before 'nouns' to create expanded noun phrases. We will describe people.

He has big blue eyes.

She has long blonde hair.

Present simple

Learn how to talk about the things you do every day. We will also introduce 'time' and 'frequency'.

My wife goes to bed at 11:00pm every Saturday.

Every day I wake-up at 7:00am.

Past simple

We will look at events that happen in the past. We will also add to the work on 'time'.

I ate chocolate cake last Friday.

On Saturday we went to the shops.

Future Simple

How to talk about events in the future. We will study 'time' as well.

I will have a beer next Friday.

On Friday we will go to the shops.

Present Continuous

In this lesson you will learn how to say what you are doing 'now'.

She is reading an interesting book.

I am watching a film.


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